Welcome to the Picture Pre-Order Page for


Including all of the following
Gilbert Youth Sports
Mesa Youth Sports
Queen Creek Youth Sports

Picture days - check with your coach for specific date/time on one of the following days:

Gilbert, Mesa & Queen Creek:  August 25 & 26

Location:  Grand Photography Studio
761 N. Monterey Street, Suite 110, Gilbert, AZ 85233


Player Instructions:

  1. Coaches will notify players of scheduled picture time.  Please arrive to picture location 15 minutes prior to scheduled picture time and line up with your coach.  **If your coach/team does not sign up for pictures as a team, you are welcome to bring your individual player at any time during the scheduled picture days. 
  2. Dress in full uniform including cleats/game shoes. 
  3. All players will be photographed individually and in a team photo.
  4. Please leave all equipment (i.e. water bottles) with parents.  
  5. See below for ordering instructions.


Ordering Information:

Choose one of the following options to purchase photos of your athlete:

  1. Complete an Online Pre-Order (see below) if paying by credit/debit card.  Online pre-orders can be placed at any time up through September 7th.  BONUS for online pre-orders only:  You will choose your image(s) for your package(s) from an online gallery within 10 business days after picture day.
  2. Paying with cash/check?  Forms will be available at the picture location (please note: any order for digital download images must be placed online).  
  3. Phone orders can be placed by calling Grand Photography at 480-632-2285.

For best pricing and discounted package rates,

place a Pre-Order using one of the options above.  

Additionally, you will have a second chance to purchase pictures at a later date from an online gallery. Please note prices will be slightly higher due to increased processing fees and shipping costs.


Online Pre-Order Instructions:
**Please use  SAFARI, CHROME, FIREFOX OR MICROSOFT EDGE browsers to place your order. 

  1. Click here and then refer to the instructions below if needed
  2. One pre-order form can be filled out for all members of a family to save on shipping cost.
  3. Add items to your cart. 
  4. Click "Check Out" at the bottom of the screen or click on the shopping cart icon. 
  5. Fill out the "Customer Info" section:  Choose your division and sport from the drop-down menu *If filling out a form for multiple children, please select the division and sport for the oldest child.  Type player first name(s), last name, and then parent name and phone number and player's age.   
  6. TRADER CARDS:  If you are ordering Package A, B, C or Trader Cards, the following information will need to be emailed to [email protected]:  Player height, weight, age, player position.  If the information is not received by one week after your picture day, those fields will be blank on their printed trader cards.
  7. ALL FIELDS NEED TO BE COMPLETED to place order.   Please type NA in any field that is not applicable.
  8. Complete the "Payment Method" section.  Be sure to type name exactly as it appears on your credit card and Billing Info must match credit card billing address. 
  • For expiration date, type in 2 digits for month and 4 digits for year.
  • If Address Line 2 is not applicable, type NA.
  1. ​​​​​​​Click "Select Shipping" and the shipping will display (all orders will incur a $5 charge and will be shipped directly to you.)
  2. Click "Place Order" and you are done!
  3. Within 10 business days of picture day, you will receive an email invitation which will allow you to select the image(s) for your pre-order package(s).  


Coach Information: 

  • SCHEDULE YOUR TEAM:  Coaches should have received an email with instructions on how to schedule your team for a timeslot.  If you did not receive an email, please contact us at 480-632-2285.
  • BASEBALL/SOFTBALL COACHESBring one bat and one glove for the team to use for pictures.
  • COACHES receive a complimentary 8x10 Memory Mate* (Maximum of 2 coaches per team) which includes a coach/player picture and team picture.    *75% of the team must be present to receive complimentary Memory Mate

Coach_8x10MMCoach Memory Mate
