Welcome to the Picture Pre-Order Page for
Including all of the following:
Gilbert Youth Sports
Mesa Youth Sports
Queen Creek Youth Sports
Picture days - check with your coach for specific date/time on one of the following days:
Gilbert, Mesa & Queen Creek: August 25 & 26
Location: Grand Photography Studio
761 N. Monterey Street, Suite 110, Gilbert, AZ 85233
Player Instructions:
- Coaches will notify players of scheduled picture time. Please arrive to picture location 15 minutes prior to scheduled picture time and line up with your coach. **If your coach/team does not sign up for pictures as a team, you are welcome to bring your individual player at any time during the scheduled picture days.
- Dress in full uniform including cleats/game shoes.
- All players will be photographed individually and in a team photo.
- Please leave all equipment (i.e. water bottles) with parents.
- See below for ordering instructions.
Ordering Information:
Choose one of the following options to purchase photos of your athlete:
- Complete an Online Pre-Order (see below) if paying by credit/debit card. Online pre-orders can be placed at any time up through September 7th. BONUS for online pre-orders only: You will choose your image(s) for your package(s) from an online gallery within 10 business days after picture day.
- Paying with cash/check? Forms will be available at the picture location (please note: any order for digital download images must be placed online).
- Phone orders can be placed by calling Grand Photography at 480-632-2285.
For best pricing and discounted package rates,
place a Pre-Order using one of the options above.
Additionally, you will have a second chance to purchase pictures at a later date from an online gallery. Please note prices will be slightly higher due to increased processing fees and shipping costs.
Online Pre-Order Instructions:
**Please use SAFARI, CHROME, FIREFOX OR MICROSOFT EDGE browsers to place your order.
- Click here and then refer to the instructions below if needed.
- One pre-order form can be filled out for all members of a family to save on shipping cost.
- Add items to your cart.
- Click "Check Out" at the bottom of the screen or click on the shopping cart icon.
- Fill out the "Customer Info" section: Choose your division and sport from the drop-down menu *If filling out a form for multiple children, please select the division and sport for the oldest child. Type player first name(s), last name, and then parent name and phone number and player's age.
- TRADER CARDS: If you are ordering Package A, B, C or Trader Cards, the following information will need to be emailed to [email protected]: Player height, weight, age, player position. If the information is not received by one week after your picture day, those fields will be blank on their printed trader cards.
- ALL FIELDS NEED TO BE COMPLETED to place order. Please type NA in any field that is not applicable.
- Complete the "Payment Method" section. Be sure to type name exactly as it appears on your credit card and Billing Info must match credit card billing address.
- For expiration date, type in 2 digits for month and 4 digits for year.
- If Address Line 2 is not applicable, type NA.
- Click "Select Shipping" and the shipping will display (all orders will incur a $5 charge and will be shipped directly to you.)
- Click "Place Order" and you are done!
- Within 10 business days of picture day, you will receive an email invitation which will allow you to select the image(s) for your pre-order package(s).
Coach Information:
- SCHEDULE YOUR TEAM: Coaches should have received an email with instructions on how to schedule your team for a timeslot. If you did not receive an email, please contact us at 480-632-2285.
- BASEBALL/SOFTBALL COACHES: Bring one bat and one glove for the team to use for pictures.
- COACHES receive a complimentary 8x10 Memory Mate* (Maximum of 2 coaches per team) which includes a coach/player picture and team picture. *75% of the team must be present to receive complimentary Memory Mate
Coach Memory Mate