Welcome to the Spring 2020 School Picture Pre-Order Page! |
Spring Background: Day at the Beach

It's time for spring pictures! Save time and money by placing an online pre-order to get our best discounted package prices!
BONUS for online pre-orders only: You will be able to choose your image for your package from an online gallery within 10 business days after picture day.
- Online pre-orders can be placed at any time up to 5 days after picture day by following the instructions below.
- Paying by cash or check? Click here to view ordering options. Click here to print an order form to complete and return to school with your child on picture day. Order forms are also available in your school's front office.
- Have 3 or more children attending the same school? Click here: Multiple Student Discount
- All pre-orders will be delivered to the school and distributed to your child by their teacher.
- If you do not place a pre-order, you will have a second chance to purchase pictures at a later date from an online gallery. Please note that prices will be slightly higher due to increased processing fees and shipping fees may apply.
Please use SAFARI, CHROME, FIREFOX, or MICROSOFT EDGE browsers to place your order.
- Click here to find your school. Click on your school logo and then on "Click here for 2020 SPRING Pre-Order".
- A separate order form needs to be filled out for each child.
- Add items to your cart. **If you are ordering the Create Your Own Package for $28, scroll to the bottom of the order form to select items in the Customizable Package.
- Click on the shopping cart icon or scroll to the bottom and click on "Check Out".
- Fill out the "Customer Info" section: Type student name, student ID # (type IDK if unknown), teacher last name, grade, and then parent name. ALL FIELDS NEED TO BE COMPLETED to place order.
- Complete the "Payment Method" section. *Please note NO ORDERS WILL BE SHIPPED. All pre-orders will be delivered to the school and distributed to your child by their teacher.
- Click "Place Order" and you are done!
- Within 7 business days of picture day, you will receive an email invitation which will allow you to select the image for your pre-order package.